The evolving role of collateral in international capital markets.
Van de Valde, Jo.
The evolving role of collateral in international capital markets.
Bibliografía : páginas 230-231.
Introduction, 218 ; Different incarnations of risk, 219 ; Central banks, 219 ; Interbank counterparty risk and the use of CCPS, 220 ; Doodd-Frank wall street reform and consumer protection act, 223 ; Europe - Basel III and EMIR, 224 ; Collateral scarcity and location, 226 ; Collateral transformation what it is and why it is necessary, 227 ; Which way to go, 227 ; What now?, 229 ; Conclusion, 230
This paper assesses in more detail the impact on collateral from a number of the regulatory changes, as well as the way in which they are expected to accentuate the problem of collateral scarcity and fragmentation.
Mercado financiero.
The evolving role of collateral in international capital markets.
Bibliografía : páginas 230-231.
Introduction, 218 ; Different incarnations of risk, 219 ; Central banks, 219 ; Interbank counterparty risk and the use of CCPS, 220 ; Doodd-Frank wall street reform and consumer protection act, 223 ; Europe - Basel III and EMIR, 224 ; Collateral scarcity and location, 226 ; Collateral transformation what it is and why it is necessary, 227 ; Which way to go, 227 ; What now?, 229 ; Conclusion, 230
This paper assesses in more detail the impact on collateral from a number of the regulatory changes, as well as the way in which they are expected to accentuate the problem of collateral scarcity and fragmentation.
Mercado financiero.