Learning OpenCV 3 : computer vision in C++ with the OpenCV library /
Kaehler, Adrian.
Learning OpenCV 3 : computer vision in C++ with the OpenCV library / Adrian Kaehler and Gary Bradski ; editor Dawn Schanafelt ; interior designer David Futato ; illustrator Rebecca Demarest. - First edition. - Sebastopol, CA : O'Reilly, 2017. - xxv, 990 páginas : ilustraciones, gráficas, tablas a blanco y negro ; 23 cm.
Material de apoyo Departamento de Sistemas y Tecnología.
Preface, xv -- 1. Overview, 1 -- 2. Introduction to OpenCV, 21 -- 3. Getting to know OpenCV Data Types, 41 -- 4. Images and Large array types, 71 -- 5. Array operations, 99 -- 6. Drawing and annotating, 157 -- 7. Functors is openCV, 169 -- 8. Image, video, and data files, 183 -- 9. Cross-platform and native windows, 207 -- 10. Filters and convolution, 249 -- 11. General image transforms, 299 -- 12. Image analysis, 335 -- 13. Histograms and templates, 373 -- 14. Contours, 407 -- 15. Background subtraction, 445 -- 16. Keypoints and descriptors, 493 -- 17. Tracking, 587 -- 18. Camera models and calibration, 637 -- 19. Projection and three-dimensional vision, 691 -- 20. The basic of machine learning in OpenCV, 769 -- 21. StatModel: The standard model for learning in OpenCV, 799 -- 22. Object detection, 875 -- 23. Future of OpenCV, 909 -- A. Planar Subdivisions, 923 -- b. OpenCV_contrib, 939 -- C. Calibration patterns, 943 -- Bibliography, 949 -- Index, 967.
C++ (Lenguaje de programación de computadores)
OpenCV (Lenguaje de programación de computadores)
TA 1634 / .K34 2017
Learning OpenCV 3 : computer vision in C++ with the OpenCV library / Adrian Kaehler and Gary Bradski ; editor Dawn Schanafelt ; interior designer David Futato ; illustrator Rebecca Demarest. - First edition. - Sebastopol, CA : O'Reilly, 2017. - xxv, 990 páginas : ilustraciones, gráficas, tablas a blanco y negro ; 23 cm.
Material de apoyo Departamento de Sistemas y Tecnología.
Preface, xv -- 1. Overview, 1 -- 2. Introduction to OpenCV, 21 -- 3. Getting to know OpenCV Data Types, 41 -- 4. Images and Large array types, 71 -- 5. Array operations, 99 -- 6. Drawing and annotating, 157 -- 7. Functors is openCV, 169 -- 8. Image, video, and data files, 183 -- 9. Cross-platform and native windows, 207 -- 10. Filters and convolution, 249 -- 11. General image transforms, 299 -- 12. Image analysis, 335 -- 13. Histograms and templates, 373 -- 14. Contours, 407 -- 15. Background subtraction, 445 -- 16. Keypoints and descriptors, 493 -- 17. Tracking, 587 -- 18. Camera models and calibration, 637 -- 19. Projection and three-dimensional vision, 691 -- 20. The basic of machine learning in OpenCV, 769 -- 21. StatModel: The standard model for learning in OpenCV, 799 -- 22. Object detection, 875 -- 23. Future of OpenCV, 909 -- A. Planar Subdivisions, 923 -- b. OpenCV_contrib, 939 -- C. Calibration patterns, 943 -- Bibliography, 949 -- Index, 967.
C++ (Lenguaje de programación de computadores)
OpenCV (Lenguaje de programación de computadores)
TA 1634 / .K34 2017