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Devaluation, the trade balance, and the balance of payments /

Miles, Marc A.

Devaluation, the trade balance, and the balance of payments / Marc A. Miles. - New York, N.Y. : Marcel Dekker, 1978. - 144 páginas : ilustraciones, tablas a blanco y negro ; 24 cm. - Business economics and finance ; 11 .

Preface, v --
List of illustrations, xi --
List of tables, xiii --
Chapter I. Introduction, 1 --
Chapter II. Theoretical models of devaluation, 7 --
Chapter III. Empirical studies of devaluation, 49 --
Chapter IV. Testing the trade balance and balance of payments equations, 59 --
Chapter V. The effects of devaluation on the trade balance, 77 --
Chapter VI. The effects of devaluation on the balance of payments, 91 --
Chapter VII. Further empirical tests, 103 --
Chapter VIII. Summary and conclusion, 117 --
Appendix A. Theoretical models relating changes in relative growth rates to changes in the trade balance, 121 --
Appendix B. Statistical properties of the time series data by country, 135 --
Bibliography, 139 --
Index, 143.


Evaluación del trabajo.
Balanza de pagos.
Balanza comercial.

HG 3826 .M48 1978

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