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How bankers see the world financial market : a survey by the office of the Group of Thirty on behalf of the International Banking study group /

How bankers see the world financial market : a survey by the office of the Group of Thirty on behalf of the International Banking study group / Group of Thirty. - New York, N.Y. : Group of Thirty, 1982. - 60 páginas ; 23 cm. - Group of Thirty .

Preface by the executive director, 1 --
Introduction and principal results, 3 --
Report on banks' replies to the questionnaire, 7 --
1. International Bank Loan Market, 7 --
2. International Interbank Market, 15 --
3. Banking Supervision, 17 --
4. When Should Authorities Support?, 22 --
Statistical Analysis, 24.

Mercado financiero.
Supervisión bancaria.

HG 3810 .G76R4 .H68 1982

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