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Economic growth in the long run : a history of empirical evidence /

Economic growth in the long run : a history of empirical evidence / edited by Bart Van Ark. - Cheltenham, Inglaterra : Edward Elgar publishing, 1997. - 3 volúmenes : ilustraciones, gráficas, tablas a blanco y negro ; 25 cm. - The international library of critical writings in economics / series editor Mark Blaug ; 76 An Elgar reference collection . - The international library of critical writings in economics. An Elgar reference collection. .

VOLUMEN 1 -- Acknowledgements, vii -- General introduction / Introduction to Volume I / Part I. Pioneers in measurement -- 1. Natural and political observations and conclusions upon the State & condition of England / 2. Introduction / 3. National Income / 4. The construction of tables of national income, expenditure, savings and investment / 5. The present level of economic welfare in different countries / 6. Industrial production, productivity and distribution in Britain, Germany and the United States / Part II. International comparisons of income, output and expenditure -- 7. Level and variability of rates of growth / 8. Real GDP per capita for more than one hundred countries / 9. International comparisons of income levels: a suggested new measure / 10. The Penn World table (mark 5): an expanded set of international comparisons, 1950-1988 / 11. The main trends in national economic disparities since the industrial revolution / 12. A Comparison of levels of gdp per capita in developed and developing countries, 1700-1980 / 13. Levels and movements of industrial productivity and real wages internationally compared, 1860-1970 / 14. A survey of international comparisons of productivity / Name index, 387. Bart van Ark, ix -- Bart van Ark, xiii -- Gregory King, 3 -- Michael G. Mulhall, 44 -- Simon Kuznets, 74 -- J.E. Meade and Richard Stone, 94 -- Colin Clark, 112 -- L. Rostas, 142 -- Simon Kuznets, 161 -- Irving B. Kravis, Alan W. Heston and Robert Summers, 211 -- Wilfred Beckerman and Robert Bacon, 239 -- Robert Summers and Alan Heston, 257 -- Paul Bairoch, 299 -- Angus Maddison, 314 -- E.H. Phelps Brown, 329 -- Irving B. Kravis, 343 -- VOLUMEN 2 -- Acknowledgements, vii -- General Introduction / Introduction to Volume II / Part I. Growth accounting and productivity -- 1. Resource and output trends in the United States since 1870 / 2. Productivity trends: capital and labor / 3. Technical change and the aggregate production function / 4. The explanation of productivity change / 5. Some major issues in productivity analysis: an examination of estimates by Jorgenson and Griliches / 6. Explaining economic growth / 7. Relative productivity levels, 1947-1973: an international comparison / Part II. Convergence and divergence -- 8. Catching up, forging ahead, and falling behind / 9. Productivity growth, convergence, and welfare: what the long-run data Sho / 10. Productivity growth, convergence, and welfare: comment / 11. Productivity growth, convergence, and welfare: reply / 12. OECD comparative economic growth 1950-85: catch-up and convergence / 13. A sensitivity analysis of cross-country growth regressions / 14. Capital formation and productivity convergence over the long term / 15. The rise and fall of American Technological Leadership: the postwar era in historical perspective / 16. Manufacturing and the convergence hypothesis: what the long-run data show / 17. The evolution of global labor markets since 1830: background evidence and hypotheses / Name index, 421. Bart van Ark, ix -- Bart van Ark, xiii -- Moses Abramovitz, 3 -- John W. Kendrick, 22 -- Robert M. Solow, 32 -- D.W. Jorgenson and Z. Griliches, 41 -- Edward F. Denison, 76 -- Angus Maddison, 103 -- L.R. Christensen, D. Cummings and D.W. Jorgenson, 155 -- Moses Abramovitz, 191 -- William J. Baumol, 213 -- J. Bradford de Long, 227 -- William J. Baumol and Edward N. Wolff, 244 -- Steve Dowrick and Duc-Tho Nguyea, 249 -- Ross Levine and David Renelt, 270 -- Edward N. Wolff, 292 -- Richard R. Nelson and Gavin Wright, 307 -- Stephen N. Broadberry, 341 -- Jeffrey G. Williamson, 365 -- VOLUMEN 3 -- Acknowledgements, vii -- General introduction / Introduction to Volume III / Part I. Agricultural development, industrialization and economic growth -- 1. Factor prices and technical change in agricultural development: the United States and Japan, 1880-1960 / 2. The first green revolution: the growth of production and productivity in european agriculture, 1870-1914 / 3. Agricultural productivity and european industrialization, 1890- 1980 / 4. British industrialization before 1841: evidence of slower growth during the industrial revolution / 5. Output growth and the British industrial revolution: a restatement of the Crafts-Harley view / 6. A new view of European industrialization / 7. Patterns of industrial growth / 8. Development patterns: among countries and over time / 9. Patterns of development-in- nineteenth century Europe / Part II. Capital, technology and grown -- 10. Technological change in the machine tool industry, 1840-1910 / 11. Sources of productivity change in ocean shipping, 1600-1850 / 12. Understanding the economics of qwerty: the necessity of history / 13. Capital accumulation and the industrial revolution / 14. Total capital and economic growth / 15. Productivity, r&d, and the data constraint / Name index, 359. Bart van Ark, ix -- Bart van Ark xiii -- Yujiro Hayami and V.W. Ruttan, 3 -- J.L. van Zanden, 30 -- Patrick K. O'Brien and Leandro Prados de la Escosura, 55 -- C. Knick Harley, 78 -- N.F.R. Crafts, C.K. Harley, 101 -- Rondo Cameron, 129 -- Hollis B. Chenery, 152 -- Hollis B. Chenery, Lance Taylor, 183 -- N.F.R. Crafts, 209 -- Nathan Rosenberg, 233 -- Douglass C. North, 263 -- Paul A. David, 281 -- C.H. Feinstein, 301 -- John W. Kendrick, 317 -- Zvi Griliches, 335 --

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