Advanced credit analysis /
Checkley, Keith
Advanced credit analysis / Keith Checkley y Timothy Jury. - Londres : Euromoney Books, 1996. - iv,374 páginas : ilustraciones, figuras a blanco y negro ; 28 cm.
Introduction, 1 --
Chapter 1. International accounting standards, 3 --
Chapter 2. International financial analysis, 53 --
Chapter 3. Advanced ratio analysis, 73 --
Chapter 4. Advanced cash flow analysis, 105 --
Chapter 5. Corporate valuation, 131 --
Chapter 6. Business risk analysis, 177 --
Chapter 7. Venture capital, MBOs and MBls, 207 --
Chapter 8. Syndicated facilities, 235 --
Chapter 9. Agri lending, 273 --
Chapter 10. Shipping finance, 327 --
Chapter 11. Cash flow - Lessons from the USA, 349 --
Appendices, 369 --
Bibliography, 373.
Jury, Timothy
HG 3701 Ch13 1996