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Investing in development : a practical plan to achieve the millennium development goals.

Por: Tipo de material: TextoTextoIdioma: Inglés Detalles de publicación: London : Millennium Project, 2005.Descripción: xxii, 329 páginas : ilustraciones, gráficas, mapas, tablas a color ; 26 cmISBN:
  • 1844072177
Tema(s): Clasificación LoC:
  • HC 79 .E44 .N333 2005
Preface, x -- Contributors, xii -- Task force reports, xv -- Abbreviations, xvi -- Millennium development goals, xviii -- Ten key recommendations, xx -- Part 1. Why the MDGs are important, where we stand, and why we're falling short, 1 -- 1. The millennium development goals and why they matter, 1 -- 2. Where we stand with only a decade to go, 13 -- 3. Why the world is falling short of the Goals, 28 -- Part 2. Country-level processes to achieve the millennium development goals, 55 -- 4. MDG-based poverty reduction strategies, 55 -- 5. Public investments to empower poor people, 63 -- 6. Key elements for rapid scale-up, 95 -- 7. Governance to achieve the millennium development goals, 110 -- 8. Civil society's contribution to the millennium development goals, 126 -- 9. Contributions of the private sector, 137 -- 10. Africa's special needs, 146 -- 11. Investment priorities for reaching the millennium development goals in other regions, 158 -- 12. Strategies for countries affected by conflict, 183 -- Part 3. Recommendations for the international system to support country-level processes, 193 -- 13. Fixing the aid system, 193 -- 14. A global breakthrough in trade, 211 -- 15. Regional and global goods, 223 -- 16. Getting started in 2005: launching a decade of bold ambition, 231 -- Part 4. The costs and benefits of achieving the millennium development goals, 239 -- 17. Resources required to finance the Millennium Development Goals, 239 -- 18. The benefits: the case for a decade of bold ambition, 258 -- Appendix 1. Millennium development goals interventions by area, 265 -- Appendix 2. Millennium development goals interventions by target, 281 -- Appendix 3. Assumptions underlying the resource estimates in chapter 17, 294 -- Appendix 4. Methodology and data sources for projecting progress toward the goals in table 18.1, 301 -- Notes, 304 -- References, 309 -- Acknowledgments, 324.
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Tipo de ítem Biblioteca actual Signatura Estado Fecha de vencimiento Código de barras
Monografía - Colección General Monografía - Colección General SUCURSAL JUAN PABLO DUARTE Estantería HC 79 .E44 .N333 2005 (Navegar estantería(Abre debajo)) Disponible 1035022

United Nations Millennium proyect, 2005.

Preface, x -- Contributors, xii -- Task force reports, xv -- Abbreviations, xvi -- Millennium development goals, xviii -- Ten key recommendations, xx -- Part 1. Why the MDGs are important, where we stand, and why we're falling short, 1 -- 1. The millennium development goals and why they matter, 1 -- 2. Where we stand with only a decade to go, 13 -- 3. Why the world is falling short of the Goals, 28 -- Part 2. Country-level processes to achieve the millennium development goals, 55 -- 4. MDG-based poverty reduction strategies, 55 -- 5. Public investments to empower poor people, 63 -- 6. Key elements for rapid scale-up, 95 -- 7. Governance to achieve the millennium development goals, 110 -- 8. Civil society's contribution to the millennium development goals, 126 -- 9. Contributions of the private sector, 137 -- 10. Africa's special needs, 146 -- 11. Investment priorities for reaching the millennium development goals in other regions, 158 -- 12. Strategies for countries affected by conflict, 183 -- Part 3. Recommendations for the international system to support country-level processes, 193 -- 13. Fixing the aid system, 193 -- 14. A global breakthrough in trade, 211 -- 15. Regional and global goods, 223 -- 16. Getting started in 2005: launching a decade of bold ambition, 231 -- Part 4. The costs and benefits of achieving the millennium development goals, 239 -- 17. Resources required to finance the Millennium Development Goals, 239 -- 18. The benefits: the case for a decade of bold ambition, 258 -- Appendix 1. Millennium development goals interventions by area, 265 -- Appendix 2. Millennium development goals interventions by target, 281 -- Appendix 3. Assumptions underlying the resource estimates in chapter 17, 294 -- Appendix 4. Methodology and data sources for projecting progress toward the goals in table 18.1, 301 -- Notes, 304 -- References, 309 -- Acknowledgments, 324.

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