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Economic development in Asian perspective / Shigeru Ishikawa.

Por: Tipo de material: TextoTextoIdioma: Inglés Series Economic research series ; 8Detalles de publicación: Tokyo, Japan : Kinokuniya Bookstore, 1967.Descripción: xix, 488 páginas : ilustraciones a blanco y negro ; 22 cmTema(s): Clasificación LoC:
  • HC 412 .I83 1967
Preface, i -- Chapter 1. Initial conditions, 1 -- 1. Introducción, 1 -- 2. The integral process of economic development, 3 -- 3. Initial conditions in the contemporary Asia context, 9 -- 4. Required rate of growth and potential rate of growth, 30 -- Chapter 2. Basic investment and strategies for agricultural development, 57 -- 1. Initial conditions specific to Asian agriculture, 57 -- 2. Irrigation and fertilizer-an analysis of Leanding inputs, 84 -- 3. Economic conditions for basic investments, 123 -- 4. Economic conditions for fertilizer input, 153 -- Chapter 3. Farm labor and underemployment, 215 -- 1. Introduction, 215 -- 2. Contribution of additional labor input to agricultural output, 216 -- 3. Peasant's behavior with regard to self-employment of labor, 249 -- 4. Total employment and the structure of the farm labor force, 267 -- Chapter 4. Net resource flow between agriculture and industry, 290 -- 1. Introduction, 290 -- 2. Contrasting patterns of net resource flow, 294 -- 3. Determinants of net resource flow, 326 -- Chapter 5. Technological progress and dualistic industrial development, 357 -- 1. Initial conditions specific to contemporary industrial development, 357 -- 2. Size structure and economic progress, 388 -- 3. Cottage sector and the choice of industries, 422 -- 4. Factory sector and the economies of large-scale production, 437 -- 5. Concluding remarks, 463 -- Bibliography on statistical data, 469 -- Index, 483.
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Tipo de ítem Biblioteca actual Signatura Estado Fecha de vencimiento Código de barras
Monografía - Colección General Monografía - Colección General SUCURSAL JUAN PABLO DUARTE Estantería HC 412 .I83 1967 (Navegar estantería(Abre debajo)) Disponible 1036528

Preface, i -- Chapter 1. Initial conditions, 1 -- 1. Introducción, 1 -- 2. The integral process of economic development, 3 -- 3. Initial conditions in the contemporary Asia context, 9 -- 4. Required rate of growth and potential rate of growth, 30 -- Chapter 2. Basic investment and strategies for agricultural development, 57 -- 1. Initial conditions specific to Asian agriculture, 57 -- 2. Irrigation and fertilizer-an analysis of Leanding inputs, 84 -- 3. Economic conditions for basic investments, 123 -- 4. Economic conditions for fertilizer input, 153 -- Chapter 3. Farm labor and underemployment, 215 -- 1. Introduction, 215 -- 2. Contribution of additional labor input to agricultural output, 216 -- 3. Peasant's behavior with regard to self-employment of labor, 249 -- 4. Total employment and the structure of the farm labor force, 267 -- Chapter 4. Net resource flow between agriculture and industry, 290 -- 1. Introduction, 290 -- 2. Contrasting patterns of net resource flow, 294 -- 3. Determinants of net resource flow, 326 -- Chapter 5. Technological progress and dualistic industrial development, 357 -- 1. Initial conditions specific to contemporary industrial development, 357 -- 2. Size structure and economic progress, 388 -- 3. Cottage sector and the choice of industries, 422 -- 4. Factory sector and the economies of large-scale production, 437 -- 5. Concluding remarks, 463 -- Bibliography on statistical data, 469 -- Index, 483.

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