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How to think and reason in macroeconomics / Frederick C.V. N. Fourie.

Por: Tipo de material: TextoTextoIdioma: Inglés Detalles de publicación: Kenwyn, Cape Town : Juta & Co, 1997.Descripción: xiv, 386 páginas : ilustraciones, gráficas a blanco y negro ; 27 cmTema(s): Clasificación LoC:
  • HB 172 .5 .F68 1997
Preface, v -- On economics, vii -- Chapter 0. Introduction and orientation, 1 -- Part 1. How does the economy work? A Keynesian model for an open, inflationary economy, 7 -- Chapter 1. The Keynesian model 1: consumers, producers and government, 7 -- Chapter 2. The Keynesian model II: financial institutions, money and interest rates, 33 -- Chapter 3. The Keynesian model III: the foreign sector, 87 -- Chapter 4. National accounting identities: uses and abuses, 151 -- Chapter 5. A Keynesian model for an inflationary economy: aggregate demand and supply, 177 -- Part II. Macroeconomic policy, unemployment and inflation in an open economy, 211 -- Chapter 6. The objectives of macroeconomic policy, 211 -- Chapter 7. Monetary policy: the role of the Reserve Bank, 231 -- Chapter 8. Fiscal policy: the role of the state, 251 -- Chapter 9. Policy problems: coordination, lags and schools of thought, 313 -- Chapter 10. Inflation and unemployment: causes and remedies, 333 -- Index, 373.
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Monografía - Colección General Monografía - Colección General SUCURSAL JUAN PABLO DUARTE Estantería HB 172 .5 .F68 1997 (Navegar estantería(Abre debajo)) Disponible 1023488

Preface, v -- On economics, vii -- Chapter 0. Introduction and orientation, 1 -- Part 1. How does the economy work? A Keynesian model for an open, inflationary economy, 7 -- Chapter 1. The Keynesian model 1: consumers, producers and government, 7 -- Chapter 2. The Keynesian model II: financial institutions, money and interest rates, 33 -- Chapter 3. The Keynesian model III: the foreign sector, 87 -- Chapter 4. National accounting identities: uses and abuses, 151 -- Chapter 5. A Keynesian model for an inflationary economy: aggregate demand and supply, 177 -- Part II. Macroeconomic policy, unemployment and inflation in an open economy, 211 -- Chapter 6. The objectives of macroeconomic policy, 211 -- Chapter 7. Monetary policy: the role of the Reserve Bank, 231 -- Chapter 8. Fiscal policy: the role of the state, 251 -- Chapter 9. Policy problems: coordination, lags and schools of thought, 313 -- Chapter 10. Inflation and unemployment: causes and remedies, 333 -- Index, 373.

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