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Manufacturing works : the vital link between production and prosperity / Fred Zimmerman and Dave Beal.

Por: Tipo de material: TextoTextoIdioma: Inglés Detalles de publicación: Chicago, Illinois. : Dearborn Financial Publishing, 2002.Descripción: xv, 297 páginas : ilustraciones, gráficas, tablas a blanco y negro ; 23 cmISBN:
  • 0793151988
Tema(s): Clasificación LoC:
  • HC 110 .I52 .Z55 2002
Prologue, ix -- Acknowledgments, xiii -- Part one. Production means prosperity -- 1. Unsung achievements, 3 -- 2. Where the money is, 17 -- 3. Indiana: Jitters in comeback land, 31 -- Part two. Changing geography and what it means -- 4. The relocation of industry, 49 -- 5. Counties gaining momentum, 64 -- 6. Counties losing momentum, 82 -- 7. Big-city blues – Philadelphia and beyond, 95 -- 8. Manufacturing and community prosperity, 111 -- Part three. Coping in a world economy -- 9. A deeper look at the trade deficit, 119 -- 10. Globalization and the transfer of skills, 136 -- 11. The shifting defense-industrial base, 150 -- 12. Investment: booster shot from abroad, 158 -- Part four. A sector still at risk -- 13. Factories: An unspoken word, 169 -- 14. The darker side of merger mania, 178 -- 15. Wanted: better leaders, 191 -- Part five. Staying on the edge -- 16. Wall street: retum to sanity?, 201 -- 17. Driving innovation: manufacturing and research, 211 -- 18. Partnerships that work, 225 -- 19. Raising the odds for a better tomorrow, 232 -- Appendix A. Methodology for choosing the country groups, 247 -- Appendix B. Detailed statistics on sample counties, 250 -- Appendix C. Manufacturing organizations, 261 -- Bibliography, 267 -- Index, 283 -- About the authors, 297.
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Tipo de ítem Biblioteca actual Signatura Estado Fecha de vencimiento Código de barras
Monografía - Colección General Monografía - Colección General SUCURSAL JUAN PABLO DUARTE Estantería HC 110 .I52 .Z55 2002 (Navegar estantería(Abre debajo)) Disponible 1028918

Prologue, ix -- Acknowledgments, xiii -- Part one. Production means prosperity -- 1. Unsung achievements, 3 -- 2. Where the money is, 17 -- 3. Indiana: Jitters in comeback land, 31 -- Part two. Changing geography and what it means -- 4. The relocation of industry, 49 -- 5. Counties gaining momentum, 64 -- 6. Counties losing momentum, 82 -- 7. Big-city blues – Philadelphia and beyond, 95 -- 8. Manufacturing and community prosperity, 111 -- Part three. Coping in a world economy -- 9. A deeper look at the trade deficit, 119 -- 10. Globalization and the transfer of skills, 136 -- 11. The shifting defense-industrial base, 150 -- 12. Investment: booster shot from abroad, 158 -- Part four. A sector still at risk -- 13. Factories: An unspoken word, 169 -- 14. The darker side of merger mania, 178 -- 15. Wanted: better leaders, 191 -- Part five. Staying on the edge -- 16. Wall street: retum to sanity?, 201 -- 17. Driving innovation: manufacturing and research, 211 -- 18. Partnerships that work, 225 -- 19. Raising the odds for a better tomorrow, 232 -- Appendix A. Methodology for choosing the country groups, 247 -- Appendix B. Detailed statistics on sample counties, 250 -- Appendix C. Manufacturing organizations, 261 -- Bibliography, 267 -- Index, 283 -- About the authors, 297.

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