Roger Collins, vii -- A bibliography of Angus MacKay's contributions to the subject / Anthony Goodman, xvii --Notes on the contributions, xxii -- 1. Continuity and Loss in Medieval Spanish Culture: the Evidence of MS Silos, Archivo Monastico 4 / Roger Collins, 1 -- 2. Traitors to the Faith? Christian Mercenaries in al-Andalus and the Maghreb, c. 1100-1300 / Simon Barton, 23 -- 3. Jews and Moors in the Siete Partidas of Alfonso X the Learned: a Background Perspective / Robert Bums, 46 -- 4. Trading with the "Other": Economic Exchanges between Muslims, Jews, and Christians in Late Medieval Northern Castile / Teofilo F. Ruiz, 63 -- 5. Catalina of Lancaster, the Castilian Monarchy and Coexistence / Ana Echevarria, 79 -- 6. Alonso de Cartagena's Libros de Seneca: Disentangling the Manuscript Tradition / N.G. Round, 123 -- 7. Laus Urbium: Praise of Two Andalusian Cities in the Mid-Fifteenth Century / Brian Tate, 148 -- 8. Peace and War on the Frontier of Granada. Jaén and the Truce of 1476 / Manuel González Jiménez, 160 -- 9. Songbooks as Isabelline Propaganda: the Case of Oñate and Egerton / Dorothy Severin, 176 -- 10. Court Poets at Play: Zaragoza, 1498 / Ian Macpherson, 183 -- 11. Conversion in Córdoba and Rome: Francisco Delicado's La Lozana Andaluza / John Edwards, 202 -- 12. The Making of Isabel de Solis / / José Enrique López de Coca, 225 -- 13. The Conquest of Granada in Nineteenth-Century English and American Historiography / Richard Hitchcock, 242.
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