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Estimation and inference in econometrics / Russell Davidson, James G. Mackinnon.

Tipo de material: TextoTextoIdioma: Español Detalles de publicación: New York, N.Y. : Oxford University Press, 1993.Descripción: xx, 875 páginas : ilustradas con gráficos ; 23 cmISBN:
  • 0195060113
Tema(s): Clasificación LoC:
  • HB 139 .D38 1993
1. The geometry of least squares, 3 -- 2. Nonlinear regression models and nonlinear least squares, 41 -- 3. Inference in nonlinear regression models, 66 -- 4. Introduction to asymptotic theory and methods, 99 -- 5. Asymptotic methods and nonlinear least squares, 139 -- 6. The gauss-newton regression, 176 -- 7. Instrumental variables, 209 -- 8. The method of maximum likelihood, 243 -- 9. Maximum likelihood and generalized least squares, 288 -- 10. Serial correlation, 327 -- 11. Tests based on the gauss-newton regression, 374 -- 12. Interpreting tests in regression directions, 403 -- 13. The classical hypothesis tests, 435 -- 14. Transforming the dependent variable, 480 -- 15. Qualitative and limited dependent variables, 511 -- 16. Heteroskedasticity and related topics, 547 -- 17. The generalized method of moments, 583 -- 18. Simultaneous equations models, 622 -- 19. Regression models for time-series data, 669 -- 20. Unit roots and cointegration, 700 -- 21. Monte Carlo experiments, 731 -- Appendices, 770 -- A matrix algebra, 770 -- B. Results from probability theory, 793 -- References, 812 -- Author index, 851 -- Subject index, 857 -- Corrections via the internet, 875.
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Tipo de ítem Biblioteca actual Signatura Estado Fecha de vencimiento Código de barras
Monografía - Colección General Monografía - Colección General SUCURSAL JUAN PABLO DUARTE Estantería HB 139 .D38 1993 (Navegar estantería(Abre debajo)) Disponible 1021893
Monografía - Colección General Monografía - Colección General SUCURSAL JUAN PABLO DUARTE Estantería HB 139 .D38 1993 (Navegar estantería(Abre debajo)) Disponible 1021892

1. The geometry of least squares, 3 -- 2. Nonlinear regression models and nonlinear least squares, 41 -- 3. Inference in nonlinear regression models, 66 -- 4. Introduction to asymptotic theory and methods, 99 -- 5. Asymptotic methods and nonlinear least squares, 139 -- 6. The gauss-newton regression, 176 -- 7. Instrumental variables, 209 -- 8. The method of maximum likelihood, 243 -- 9. Maximum likelihood and generalized least squares, 288 -- 10. Serial correlation, 327 -- 11. Tests based on the gauss-newton regression, 374 -- 12. Interpreting tests in regression directions, 403 -- 13. The classical hypothesis tests, 435 -- 14. Transforming the dependent variable, 480 -- 15. Qualitative and limited dependent variables, 511 -- 16. Heteroskedasticity and related topics, 547 -- 17. The generalized method of moments, 583 -- 18. Simultaneous equations models, 622 -- 19. Regression models for time-series data, 669 -- 20. Unit roots and cointegration, 700 -- 21. Monte Carlo experiments, 731 -- Appendices, 770 -- A matrix algebra, 770 -- B. Results from probability theory, 793 -- References, 812 -- Author index, 851 -- Subject index, 857 -- Corrections via the internet, 875.

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