Macroeconomics /
Andrew B. Abel, Ben S. Bernanke, Dean Croushore.
- Seventh edition.
- Boston : Pearson Education, 2011.
- xxvi, 639 páginas : ilustraciones, gráficas a blanco y negro. ; 26 cm.
- The Pearson series in economics .
- The Pearson series in economics. .
Preface, xv -- Part 1. Introduction -- Chapter 1. Introduction to macroeconomics, 1 -- Chapter 2. The measurement and structure of the national Economy, 22 -- Part 2. Long-run economic performance -- Chapter 3. Productivity, output, and employment, 58 -- Chapter 4. Consumption, saving, and investment, 103 -- Chapter 5. Saving and investment in the open economy, 165 -- Chapter 6. Long-run economic growth, 203 -- Chapter 7. The asset market, money, and prices, 237 -- Part 3. Business cycles and macroeconomic policy -- Chapter 8. Business cycles, 274 -- Chapter 9. The IS-LM/AD-AS Model: A general framework for macroeconomic analysis, 310 -- Chapter 10. Classical business cycle analysis: market-clearing macroeconomics, 360 -- Chapter 11. Keynesianism: the macroeconomics of wage and price rigidity, 399 -- Part 4. Macroeconomic policy: its environment and institutions -- Chapter 12. Unemployment and inflation, 441 -- Chapter 13. Exchange rates, business cycles, and macroeconomic policy in the open economy, 473 -- Chapter 14. Monetary policy and the Federal Reserve System, 525 -- Chapter 15. Government spending and its financing, 571 -- Appendix A: some useful analytical tools, 608 -- Glossary, 615 -- Name index, 627 -- Subject index, 629.
Esta versión ha sido editada para incluir mejoras de lo más relevante a los estudiantes que cursan dicha materia. Utiliza un enfoque unificado basado en un modelo económico único que presenta una introducción limpia a los supuestos clásicos y keynesianos.