Johnsson, Dan Bergh

Secure by design / Dan Bergh Johnsson, Daniel Deogun, Daniel Sawano ; foreword by Daniel Ternort-North - xxx, 368 páginas : ilustraciones, diagramas, dibujos a blanco y negro ; 24 cm.

Material de apoyo del Departamento de la Seguridad Cibernética y de la Información

Part 1. Introduction, 1 --
1. Why design matters for security, 3 --
2. Intermission: the anti-hamlet, 31 --
Part 2. Fundamentals, 47 --
3. Core concepts of domain-driven design, 49 --
4. Code constructs promoting security, 87 --
5. Domain primitives, 113 --
6. Ensuring integrity of state, 164 --
7. Reducing complexity of state, 164 --
8. Leveraging your delivery pipeline for security, 189 --
9. Handling failures securely, 223 --
10. Benefits, of cloud thinking 251 --
11. Intermission: An insurance policy for free, 278 --
Part 3. Applying the fundamentals, 293 --
12. Guidance in legacy code, 295 --
13. Guidance on microservices, 322 --
14. A final word: don´t forget about security!, 343.


Programas de computadora
Seguridad en computadores

QA 76 .754 / .J64 2019