Dictatorship, development and desintegration : politics and social change in the Dominican Republic /
Howard J. Wiarda.
- Ann Arbor, Michigan : Xerox University Microfilms, 1975.
- 3 volúmenes (xxii, 1921 páginas). ; 21 x 32 cm.
- Monograph publishing on demand sponsor series .
- Monograph publishing on demand sponsor series (Xerox University Microfilms) .
VOLUMEN 1 -- Dedication, v -- Table of contents, vii -- Map of the Dominican Republic, ix -- Preface, xi -- Part I. Introduction, 1 -- Chapter 1. Political Development and Political Decay: The Theoretical Framework, 1 -- Part II. The Political Culture and the Political Environment, 103 -- Chapter II. The Political Culture and the Political Environment, 109 -- Chapter III. The Pattern of Political Development, 195 -- Part III. The "Input" Functions: Political Socialization and Recruitment, Interest Articulation and Aggregation, and Political Communications, 265 -- A. "Traditional Groups", 272 -- Chapter IV. The Armed Forces, 272 -- Chapter V. The Social and Economic Elites, 349 -- Chapter VI. The Church, 433 -- B. Forces for Change, 509 -- Chapter VII. The Labor Movement, 509 -- Chapter VIII. The Peasantry, 585 -- Chapter IX. Students and Intellectuals, 656 -- VOLUMEN 2 -- Table of Contents, v -- Map of the Dominican Republic, vi -- C. Pivotal Elements, 753 -- Chapter X. The middle sectors, 753 -- D. External forces, 807 -- Chapter XI. The United States, 807 -- Chapter XII. The web of international connections, 921 -- E. Interest aggregation, 992 -- Chapter XIII. Political parties and the party system, 992 -- F. Political communications, 1084 -- Chapter XIV. Political communications, 1084 -- Part IV. The framework and structure of government, decision-making and the "turnover" functions, 1171 -- Chapter XV. Constitutions and constitutionalism law and the legal system, 1178 -- Chapter XVI. The institutions of government, 1234 -- Chapter XVII. The bureaucracy, 1313. VOLUMEN 3 -- Table of contents, v -- Map of the Dominican Republic, vii -- Part V. Public policy or the "output" functions: case studies in domestic and foreign-policy making and implementation, 1411 -- Chapter XVIII. Economic policy: the dilemmas of national development, 1418 -- Chapter XIX. Agrarian reform: the frustration of social reform, 1496 -- Chapter XX. The communist movement and the "antí-communist" issue, 1564 -- Part VI. Conclusions, 1655 -- Chapter XXI. Conclusions: dictatorship, development, and disintegrations, 1657 -- Chapter XXII. Epilogue: the revolution and its aftermath, 1781 -- Appendix A. Methodology, 1891 -- Appendix B. A Note on Sources, 1909.