The Europe-South dialogue in practice /
Commission of European Communities.
- Luxemburgo : Comunidades Europeas, 1987.
- 120 páginas : ilustraciones, fotografías, mapas a color ; 30 cm.
Introduction, 5 -- Chapter I. Rural development, 7 -- Cash crops, 9 -- Food crops, 15 -- From sectoral aid to overall strategy, 21 -- Rural water supply, 27 -- Animal husbandry, 31 -- Fisheries, 36 -- Chapter II. Industry and trade, 43 -- Industry, 45 -- Small-scale industry, 52 -- Energy, 58 -- Mining, 64 -- Tourism, 69 -- Trade, 73 -- Chapter III. Education, training and health, 79 -- Education and training in developing countries, 81 -- Health in the Third World, 91 -- Chapter IV. Regional cooperation, 101 -- Glossary, 120.