Environment in the new global economy /
edited by Peter M. Haas.
- Cheltenham, inglaterra ; Northampton, Mass. : Edward Elgar Publishing, 2003.
- 2 volúmenes : ilustraciones, gráficas, mapas, tablas a blanco y negro ; 25 cm.
- The international library of writings on the new global economy / series editor Helen V. Milner, James T. Shotwell ; 1 .
VOLUMEN I. Analytic approaches to the IPE of the environment -- Acknowledgements, ix -- Introduction / Part I. What is 'the environment'?, 3 -- 1., Historical perspectives on sustainable development / 2. The great transformation / 3. The human ecology of global change / Part II. Tragedy of the commons, 61 -- 4. The economic theory of a common-property resource: the fishery / 5. The tragedy of the commons / 6. No tragedy on the commons / 7. The tragedy of the commons: twenty-two years later / 8. Reformulating the commons / Part III. Power and leadership, 145 -- 9. Geopolitics as theory: historical security materialism / 10. To prevent a world wasteland: a proposal / 11. Must it be the rest against the west? / Part IV. International institutions, 203 -- 12. The interest-based explanation of international environmental policy / 13. The politics of international regime formation: managing natural resources and the environment / 14. Political leadership and regime formation: on the development of institutions in international society / 15. Institutions for the earth: promoting international environmental protection / Part V. Radical political economy, 305 -- 16. Environment and development: the case of the developing countries / 17. "The limits to growth" and class politics / 18. Environment and development: the story of a dangerous liaison / Part VI. Domestic politics, 343 -- 19. Lapsed leadership: U.S. international environmental policy since rio / 20. Baptists and bootleggers for the environment: the origins of the united states unilateral sanctions / 21. Understanding why governments in developing countries waste natural resources / 22. Building trust: laying a foundation for environmental regulation in the former soviet bloc / 23. Global environmental concern: an anomaly for postmaterialism / Part VII. NGOs and civil society, 427 -- 24. NGOs and the environment: from knowledge to action / 25. Transnational advocacy networks in international and regional politics / Part VIII. Ecological ideas, 461 -- A. Doctrines and their consequences, 461 -- 26. The ecological viewpoint and others / 27. From limits to growth to global change: constraints and contradictions in the evolution of environmental science and ideology / B. Epistemic communities, 511 -- 28. Social constructivism and the evolution of multilateral environmental governance / 29. Learning to learn: improving international governance / 30. Do regimes matter? epistemic communities and mediterranean pollution control / C. Critical constructivism, 601 -- 31. Rethinking the ecology-sovereignty debate / 32. Emancipating international relations theory: an ecological perspective / 33. Sovereignty in world ecopolitics / 34. Earth, power, knowledge: towards a critical global environmental politics / Name index, 693. Peter M. Haas, xiii -- Clive Ponting, 3 -- Robert W. Kates; eds. in B.L. Turner II, William C. Clark, Robert W. Kates, John F. Richards, Jessica T. Mathews and William B. Meller, 13 -- William C. Clark, 30 -- H. Scott Gordon, 61 -- Garrett Hardin, 80 -- Susan Jane Buck Cox, 86 -- David Feeny, Fikret Berkes, Bonnie J. McCay and James M. Acheson, 99 -- Elinor Ostrom, 118 -- Daniel Deudney, 145 -- George F. Kennan, 176 -- Matthew Connelly and Paul Kennedy, 189 -- Detlef Sprinz and Tapani Vaahtoranta, 203 -- Oran R. Young, 232 -- Oran R. Young, 259 -- Marc A. Levy, Peter M. Haas and Robert O. Keohane, 287 -- Joao Augusto de Araujo Castro, 305 -- Johan Galtung, 321 -- Wolfgang Sachs, 335 -- Robert L. Paarlberg, 343 -- Elisabeth R. DeSombre, 363 -- William Ascher, 386 -- Ruth Greenspan Bell, 401 -- Riley E. Dunlap and Angela G. Mertig, 418 -- Sheila Jasanoff, 427 -- Margaret E. Keck and Kathryn Sikkink, 443 -- Harold and Margaret Sprout, 461 -- Frederick H. Buttell, Ann P. Hawkins and Alison G. Power, 498 -- Peter M. Haas, 511 -- Peter M. Haas and Ernst B. Haas, 542 -- Peter M. Haas, 572 -- Ken Conca, 601 -- Eric Laferriere, 612 -- Karen T. Litfin, 635 -- Peter Doran, 673 -- VOLUMEN II. Applications -- Acknowledgements, vii -- An introduction by the editor to both volumes appears in Volume I, 3 -- Part I. Social choice/political economy, 3 -- 1. The problem of social cost / 2. It pays to be green: the managerial incentive structure and environmentally sound strategies / 3. Self-interest and environmental management / 4. Regime design matters: intentional oil pollution and treaty compliance / 5. The problem of global environmental protection / 6. The privatization of global environmental governance: ISO 14000 and the developing world / 7. Talking with the donkey: cooperative approaches to environmental protection / 8. A Model of Sustainable International Trade in Tropical Timber / Part II. Sustainable development doctrines, 211 -- 9. Problems of Biogeochemistry / 10. From one earth to one world: an overview by the world commission on environment and development / 11. Sustainable Development: A Critical Review / 12. Goals, agenda, and policy recommendations for ecological economics / Part III. Free trade and the environment, 303 -- 13. Globalization and its discontents / 14. Trade and the environment: a critical assessment and some suggestions for reconciliation / 15. Economic growth and the environment / Part IV. Environmental and ecological security, 357 -- 16. Redefining security / 17. Environmental scarcities and violent conflict: evidence from cases / 18. The case against linking environmental degradation and national security / Part V. Compliance, implementation and effectiveness, 427 -- 19. The concept of regime "effectiveness" / 20. Compliance theory: a synthesis / 21. Translating intent into action: implementing environmental commitments / 22. Strengthening compliance with international environmental accords: preliminary observations from a collaborative project / 23. Compliance with EU directives: insights from international relations and comparative politics / 24. Explaining compliance and defection: three models / Ronald H. Coase, 3 -- Giulio M. Gallarotti, 47 -- Kenneth A. Oye and James H. Maxwell, 67 -- Ronald B. Mitchell, 99 -- Scott Barrett, 133 -- Jennifer Clapp, 145 -- Kathryn Harrison, 167 -- Peter Dauvergne, 189 -- W.I. Vernadsky, 211 -- World Commission on Environment and Development, 211 -- Sharachchandra M. Lélé, 265 -- Robert Costanza, Herman E. Daly and Joy A. Bartholomew, 280 -- Herman E. Daly, 303 -- Eric Neumayer, 308 -- Gene M. Grossman and Alan B. Krueger, 330 -- Jessica Tuchman Mathews, 357 -- Thomas F. Homer-Dixon, 373 -- Daniel Deudney, 409 -- Arild Underdal, 427 -- Ronald B. Mitchell, 441 -- David G. Victor and Eugene B. Skolnikoff, 449 -- Harold K. Jacobson and Edith Brown Weiss, 461 -- Peter M. Haas, 491 -- Arild Underdal, 512.