Reinsurance and international financial markets / Group of Thirty. - Washington, D.C. : Group of Thirty, 2006. - 115 páginas : ilustraciones a color ; 28 cm. - Group of Thirty. Reports .

Executive summary, 3 --
1. Introduction and key issues, 9 --
2. The reinsurance industry, 17 --
3. Could the reinsurance industry cause systemic instability?, 31 --
4. Insurance securitization and the capital markets, 41 --
5. Public disclosure in the reinsurance industry, 53 --
6. Supervision and regulation of reinsurance firms, 67 --
7. Conclusions, 77 --
Appendix, 81 --

Mercado financiero internacional.

HG 3810 .G76R4R46 2006