Moreno Brid, Juan Carlos

México : economic growth exports and industrial performance after NAFTA / Juan Carlos Moreno-Brid, Juan Carlos Rivas Valdivia, Jesús Santamaría. - México, D.F. : Cepal, 2005. - 36 páginas : ilustradas con tablas y gráficos ; 28 cm. - Serie estudios y perspectivas ; 42 .

Abstract, 5 -- Introduction, 7 -- I. Mexico's industrial policy and economic performance under import substitution (1940-1984), 9 -- II. The road to Nafta: unilateral trade liberalization and foreign investment deregulation (1985-1994), 11 -- III. Nafta: putting Mexico on an export-led growth path?, 15 -- IV. Nafta and manufacturing: some stylized facts concerning foreign trade and economic growth performance, 21 -- V. Conclusions, 29 -- Bibliography, 31 -- Serie estudios y perspectivas, issues published, 35.

Libre comercio.
Política industrial.
Sustitución de importaciones.
Inversiones extranjeras.
