Finney, Harry Anson , 1886-1966

Principles of accounting. - New York, N.Y. : Prentice - Hall, 1949. - xii, 873p. - Prentice - Hall accounting series .

1. The mechanics of accounting—working papers, 1 -- 2. Closing the books, 29 -- 3. Statements, 37 -- 4. Partnerships, 67 -- 5. Partnerships (Continued), 75 -- 6. Corporations, 91 -- 7. Corporations (Continued), 105 -- 8. Corporations (Continued), 127 -- 9. Corporations (Continued), 140 -- 10. Amounts and Present values at compound interest, 175 -- 11. Basic accounting theory, 191 -- 12. Basic accounting theory (Continued), 205 -- 13. Cash, 221 -- 14. Receivables, 233 -- 15. Inventories, 249 -- 16. Inventories (Continued), 271 -- 17. Tangible fixed assets, 293 -- 18. Tangible fixed assets (Continued), 315 -- 19. Tangible fixed assets (Continued), 339 -- 20. Intangible fixed assets, 365 -- 21. Investments, 391 -- 22. Investments, 405 -- 23. Liabilities, 423 -- 24. Funds and reserves, 459 -- 25. Funds and reserves (Concluded), 473 -- 26. Comparative statements, 489 -- 27. The analysis of working capital, 523 -- 28. Miscellaneous ratios, 543 -- 29. Profit and loss analysis, 559 -- 30. Statement of application of funds, 577 -- Questions and Problems, 607 -- Index,863.
