Gutiérrez, Mario A.

Economic growth in Latin America and the Caribbean : growth transitions rather than steady states / Mario Gutiérrez. - Santiago de Chile : CEPAL, 2007. - 80 páginas : ilustraciones a blanco y negro ; . - CEPAL. Serie macroeconomía del desarrollo ; 68 .

Abstract, 5 -- I. Introduction, 7 -- II. Growth transitions: background, 9 -- III. Methodological approach, 11 -- IV. Growth transitions, investment and saving in Latin America (1960-2005), 15 -- V. Final remarks and policy issues, 25 -- Bibliography, 29 -- Appendix, 31 -- Serie macroeconomía del desarrollo: issues published, 79.


Crecimiento económico.

América Latina.

HD 72 .M3 no. 58