Srinivas, P. S.

Do investment regulations compromise pension fund performance? : evidence from Latin America / P.S. Srinivas and Juan Yermo. - Washington, D.C. : Banco Mundial, 1999. - iii, 50 páginas : Ilustraciones a blanco y negro ; 28 cm. - World bank Latin American and Caribbean studies : Viewpoints .

Executive summary, 1 -- I. Motivation and main findings, 3 -- II. Regulation in the Latin American pension reform model, 6 -- III. Rationale and of the costs of draconian regulation, 9 -- IV. Data, 15 -- V. An evaluation of the costs of draconian regulation, 16 -- VI. Policy implications, 31 -- VII. Conclsion, 33 -- Notes, 35 -- Bibliography, 41 -- Annex A, 44 -- Annex B, 50.


Pensiones de jubilación.

América Latina.

HC 121 .45 .V5D6 1999