Economic integration and international trade / edited by Carsten Kowalczyk. - Cheltenham, Inglaterra ; Northampton, Massachusetts : Edward Elgar Publising, 1999. - xviii, 559 páginas : ilustraciones, gráficas a blanco y negro ; 25 cm. - The international library of critical writings in economics / series editor Mark Blaug ; 115 An Elgar reference collection . - The international library of critical writings in economics. An Elgar reference collection. .

Acknowledgements, ix -- Introduction / Part I. Trade diversion and creation, and the general theory of second best -- 1. The economics of customs unions / 2. The general theory of second best / 3. Customs union from a single-country viewpoint / Part II. Preliminaries -- A. Tariff changes and welfare -- 4. Tariffs and trade in general equilibrium: comment / 5. Trade and welfare in general equilibrium / B. Optimum tariffs and retaliation -- 6. On optimum tariff structures / 7. Optimum tariffs and retaliation / 8. The optimal tariff structure in higher dimensions / 9. A note on the optimal tariff, retaliation and the welfare loss from tariff wars in a framework with intra-industry trade / C. Tariff reform -- 10. A theory of piecemeal policy recommendations / Part III. Results on integration and welfare -- A. Integration and national welfare -- 11. Inter-Commodity substitution with constant real prices: 2 the graham demand case / 12. A 3x3 Model of Customs Unions / 13. Is unilateral tariff reduction preferable to a customs union? The curious case of the missing foreign tariffs / 14. Integration in goods and factors: the role of flows and revenue / B. Integration and union welfare -- 15. Welfare effects in customs unions / 16. Delegation games in customs unions -- Konstantine Gatsios and Larry Karp, 280 -- C. Integration and world welfare -- 17. The welfare effect of tariff rate reductions in a many country world / 18. Paradoxes in integration theory / 19. An elementary proposition concerning the formation of customs unions / 20. The move toward free trade zones / 21. Multilateral trade negotiations and referential trading arrangements / 22. The size of trading blocs: market power and world welfare effects / Part IV. Other results -- A. Customs unions versus free trade areas -- 23. Optimal tariff equilibria with customs unions / 24. Tariff revenue competition in a free trade area / B. Integration and sidepayments -- 25. An extension of the kemp-wan theorem on the formation of customs unions / 26. Bringing GATT into the core / C. Integration and growth -- 27. Measurable dynamic gains from trade / 28. Do static gains from trade lead to medium-run growth? / 29. Comparative advantage and long-run growth / 30. Economic integration and endogenous growth / Name index, 557. Carsten Kowalczyk, xi -- Jacob Viner, 3 -- Richard G. Lipsey and Kelvin Lancaster, 44 -- Franz Gehrels, 72 -- Ronald W. Jones, 81 -- Michihiro Ohyama, 88 -- J. de V. Graaff, 127 -- Harry G. Johnson, 140 -- Eric W. Bond, 152 -- Daniel Gros, 166 -- Tatsuo Hatta, 179 -- Richard G. Lipsey, 205 -- Raymond Riezman, 233 -- Paul Wonnacott and Ronald Wonnacott, 247 -- Carsten Kowalczyk, 258 -- John McMillan and Ewen McCann, 273 -- Tatsuo Hatta and Takashi Fukushima, 289 -- Carsten Kowalczyk, 298 -- Murray C. Kemp and Henry Y. Wan, Jr., 307 -- Paul Krugman, 310 -- . Alan V. Deardorff, Robert M. Stem, 345 -- Eric W. Bond and Constantinos Syropoulos, 404 -- John Kennan and Raymond Riezman, 435 -- Martin Richardson, 449 -- Earl L. Grinols, 461 -- Carsten Kowalczyk and Tomas Sjöström, 469 -- Richard E. Baldwin, 489 -- Joy Mazumdar, 502 -- Gene M. Grossman and Elhanan Helpman, 512 -- Luis A. Rivera-Batiz and Paul M. Romer, 532 --

Comercio internacional.
Integración económica.

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