Marx, Karl, 1818-1883.

Capital, a critical analysis of capitalist production / Karl Marx ; traslated from the third german edition by Samuel Moore and Edward Aveling ; edited by Frederick Engels. - Moscow : Progress Publishers, 1965-1966. - 3 volúmenes ; 23 cm.

Biblioteca tiene los volumenes 1 y 3.

VOLUMEN I -- Preface to the english edition, 3 -- Prefaces and afterwords / Part I. Commodities and money, 35 -- Chapter 1. Commodities, 35 -- Chapter II. Exchange, 84 -- Chapter III. Money, or the circulation of commodities, 94 -- Part II. The transformation of money into capital, 146 -- Chapter IV. The general formula for capital, 146 -- Chapter V. Contradictions in the general formula of capital, 156 -- Chapter VI. The buying and selling of labour-power, 167 -- Part III. The production of absolute surplus-value, 177 -- Chapter VII. The labour-process and the process of producing surplus-value, 177 -- Chapter VIII. Constant capital and variable capital, 199 -- Chapter IX. The rate of surplus-value, 212 -- Chapter X. The working-day, 231 -- Chapter XI. Rate and mass of surplus-value, 303 -- Part IV. Production of relative surplus-value, 312 -- Chapter XII. The concept of relative surplus-value, 312 -- Chapter XIII. Co-operation, 322 -- Chapter XIV. Division of labour and manufacture, 336 -- Chapter XV. machinery and modern industry, 371 -- Part V. The production of absolute and of relative surplus-value, 508 -- Chapter XVI. Absolute and relative surplus-value, 508 -- Chapter XVII. Changes of magnitude in the price of labour-power and in surplus-value, 519 -- Chapter XVIII. Various formula; for the rate of surplus-value, 531 -- Part VI. Wages, 535 -- Chapter XIX. The transformation of the value (and respectively the price) of labour-power into wages, 535 -- Chapter XX. Time-wages, 543 -- Chapter XXI. Piece-wages, 551 -- Chapter XXII. National differences of wages, 559 -- Part VII. The accumulation of capital, 564 -- Chapter XXIII. Simple reproduction, 566 -- Chapter XXIV. Conversion of surplus-value into capital, 579 -- Chapter XXV. The general law of capitalist accumulation, 612 -- Part VIII. The so-called primitive accumulation -- Chapter XXVI. The Secret of primitive accumulation, 713 -- Chapter XXVII. Expropriation of the agricultural population from the land, 717 -- Chapter XXVIII. Bloody legislation against the expropriated, from the end of the 15th century. forcing down of wages by acts of parliament, 734 -- Chapter XXI X. Genesis of the capitalist farmer, 742 -- Chapter XXX. Reaction of the agricultural revolution on industry. Creation of the home-market for industrial capital, 745 -- Chapter XXXI. Genesis of the industrial capitalist, 750 -- Chapter XXXII. Historical tendency of capitalist accumulation, 761 -- Chapter XXXIII. The modern theory of colonisation, 765 -- Indexes, 775 -- Index of authorities, 775 -- Name index, 797. by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels to the German and French editions, 7 -- VOLUMEN III -- Preface, 1 -- Book III. The process of capitalist production as a whole -- I. Part I. The conversion of surplus-value into profit and of the rate of surplus-value into the rate of profit -- Chapter I. Cost-Price and profit, 25 -- Chapter II. The rate of profit, 41 -- Chapter III. The relation of the rate of profit to the rate of surplus-value, 49 -- Chapter IV. The effect of the turnover on the rate of profit, 70 -- Chapter V. Economy in the employment of constant capital, 77 -- Chapter VI. The effect of price fluctuations, 105 -- Chapter VII. Supplementary remarks, 138 -- Part II. Conversion of profit into average profit -- Chapter VIII. Different compositions of capitals in different branches of production and resulting differences in rates of profit, 142 -- Chapter IX. Formation of a general rate of profit (average rate of profit) and transformation of the values of commodities into prices of production, 154 -- Chapter X. Equalization of the general rate of profit through competition. market-prices and market-values. surplus-profit, 173 -- Chapter XI. Effects of general wage fluctuations on prices of production, 200 -- Chapter XII. Supplementary remarks, 205 -- Part III. The law of the tendency of the rate of profit to fall -- Chapter XIII. The law as such, 211 -- Chapter XIV. Counteracting influences, 232 -- Chapter XV. Exposition of the internal contradictions of the law, 241 -- Part IV. Conversion of commodity-capital and money-capital into commercial capital and money-dealing capital (merchant's capital) -- Chapter XVI. Commercial capital, 267 -- Chapter XVII. Commercial profit, 281 -- Chapter XVIII. The turnover of merchant's capital. Prices, 302 -- Chapter XIX. Money-dealing capital, 315 -- Chapter XX. Historical facts about merchant's capital, 323 -- Part V. Division of profit into interest and profit of enterprise. Interest-bearing capital -- Chapter XXI. Interest-Bearing Capital, 338 -- Chapter XXII. Division of Profit. Rate of Interest. Natural Rate of Interest, 358 -- Chapter XXIII. Interest and Profit of Enterprise, 370 -- Chapter XXIV. Externalisation of the relations of capital in the form of interest-bearing capital, 391 -- Chapter XXV. Credit and fictitious capital, 400 -- Chapter XXVI. Accumulation of money-capital. Its influence on the interest rate, 414 -- Chapter XXVII. The role of credit in capitalist production, 435 -- Chapter XXVIII. Medium of circulation and capital; views of tooke and fullarton, 442 -- II. Chapter XXIX. Component parts of bank capital, 463 -- Chapter XXX. Money-capital and real capital. I, 476 -- Chapter XXXI. Money-capital and real capital. II. (Continued), 494 -- Chapter XXXII. Money-capital and real capital. III (Concluded), 505 -- Chapter XXXIII. The medium of circulation in the credit system, 520 -- Chapter XXXIV. The currency principle and the english bank legislation of 1844, 546 -- Chapter XXXV. Precious metal and rate of exchange, 565 -- Chapter XXXVI. Pre-capitalist relationships, 593 -- Part VI. Transformation of surplus-profit into ground-rent, 614 -- Chapter XXXVII. Introduction, 614 -- Chapter XXXVIII. Differential Rent: General Remarks, 640 -- Chapter XXXIX. First Form of Differential Rent (Differential Rent I), 649 -- Chapter XL. Second form of differential rent (differential rent II), 674 -- Chapter XLI. Differential Rent II. First case: constant price of production, 685 -- Chapter XLII. Differential rent II. -Second case: Falling price of production, 693 -- Chapter XLIII. Differential rent II. -Third case: rising price of production, 710 -- Chapter XLIV. Differential rent also on the worst cultivated soil, 738 -- Chapter XLV. Absolute ground-rent, 748 -- Chapter XLVI. Building site rent. Rent in mining. Price of land, 773 -- Chapter XLVII. Genesis of capitalist ground-rent, 782 -- Part VII. Revenues and their sources, 814 -- Chapter XLVIII. The trinity formula, 814 -- Chapter XLIX. Concerning the analysis of the process of production, 832 -- Chapter L. Illusions created by competition, 852 -- Chapter LI. Distribution relations and production relations, 877 -- Chapter LII. Classes, 885 -- F. Engels. Supplement to capital, volume three, 887 -- Indexes, 911 -- Name index, 911 -- Index of authorities quoted in "Capital", volume III, 916 -- Subject index, 927.


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