Karl Marx and Frederick Engels : selected works. - Moscow : Foreign Languajes Publishing House, 1955. - 2 volumes. ; 23 cm.

VOLUMEN II. CRITIQUE OF THE GOTHA PROGRAMME / By Karl Marx, 13 -- Foreword / by Frederick Engels, 13 -- Letter to W. Bracke / by Karl Marx, 15 -- Marginal Notes to the Programme of the German Workers Party /by Karl Marx, 18 -- Letter to A. Bebel / by Frederick Engels, 38 -- Letter to K. Kautsky / by Frederick Engels, 45 -- ON SOCIAL RELATIONS IN RUSSIA /by Frederick Engels, 49 -- INTRODUCTION TO DIALECTICS OF NATURE / by Frederick Engels, 62 -- THE PART PLAYED BY LABOUR IN THE TRANSITION FROM APE TO MAN / by Frederick Engels, 80 -- SOCIALISM: UTOPIAN AND SCIENTIFIC / by Frederick Engels, 93 -- Special Introduction to the English Edition of 1892, 93 -- SOCIALISM: UTOPIAN AND SCIENTIFIC, 116 -- KARL MARX / by Frederick Engels, 156 -- SPEECH AT THE, GRAVESIDE OF KARL MARX / by Frederick Engels, 167 -- THE ORIGIN OF THE FAMILY, PRIVATE PROPERTY AND THE STATE / by Frederick Engels, 170 -- Preface to the First Edition 1884, 170 -- Preface to the Fourth Edition 1891, 172 -- THE ORIGIN OF THE FAMILY, PRIVATE PROPERTY AND THE STATE, 185 -- I. Prehistoric Stages of Culture, 185 -- 1. Savagery, 185 -- 2. Barbarism, 187 -- II. The Family, 190 -- III. The Iroquois Gens, 241 -- IV. The Grecian Gens, 254 -- V. The Rise of the Athenian State, 263 -- VI. The Gens and the State in Rome, 273 -- VII. The Gens Among the Celts and Germans, 282 -- VIII. The Formation of the State Among the Germans, 296 -- IX. Barbarism and Civilization, 106 -- MARX AND THE NEUE RHEINISCHE ZEITUNG (1848-1849) / by Frederick Engels, 327 -- ON THE HISTORY OF THE COMMUNIST LEAGUE / by Frederick Engels, 337 -- LUDWIG FEUERBACH AND THE END OF CLASSICAL GERMAN PHILOSOPHY / by Frederick Engels, 357 – Foreword, 357 -- LUDWIG FEUERBACH AND THE END OF CLASSICAL GERMAN PHILOSOPHY, 359 -- Theses on Feuerbach / by Karl Marx, 402 -- PREFACE TO THE CONDITION OF THE WORKING-CLASS IN ENGLAND / by Frederick Engels, 405 -- THE PEASANT QUESTION IN FRANCE AND GERMANY / by Frederick Engels, 420 – LETTERS / Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, 441 -- Marx to P. V. Annenkov, December 28, 1846, 441 -- Marx to J. Weydemeyer, March 5, 1852, 452 -- Marx to Engels, April 16, 1856, 453 -- Marx to Engels, September 25, 1857, 454 -- Marx to L. Kugelmann, February 23, 1865, 455 -- Marx to L. Kugelmann, October 9, 1866, 460 -- Marx to L. Kugelmann, July 11, 1868, 461 -- Marx to L. Kugelmann, April 12, 1871, 463 -- Marx to L. Kugelmann, April 17, 1871, 464 -- Marx to F. Bolte, November 23, 1871, 465 -- Engels to T. Cuno, January 24, 1872, 467 -- Engels to A. Bebel, June 20, 1873, 474 -- Engels to F. A. Sorge, September 12-17, 1874, 477 -- Marx and Engels to A. Bebel, W. Liebknecht, W. Bracke and Others ("Circular Letter"), September 17-18, 1879, 479 -- Engels to C. Schmidt, August 5, 1890, 486 -- Engels to J. Bloch, September 21-22, 1890, 488 -- Engels to C. Schmidt, October 27, 1890, 490 -- Engels to F. Mehring, July 14, 1893, 497 -- Engels to N. F. Danielson, October 17, 1893, 501 -- Engels to H. Starkenburg, January 25, 1894, 504 -- NAME INDEX, 509 -- SUBJECT INDEX, 523.

Engels, Friedrich, 1820-1895.


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