A history of the Federal Reserve /
Allan H. Meltzer ; with a foreword by Alan Greenspan.
- Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 2003.
- v. : ilustracioones a blanco y negro ; 23 cm.
Foreword / Preface, xi -- 1. Introduction, 1 -- 2. Central banking theory and practice before the federal reserve act, 19 -- 3. In the beginning, 1914 to 1922, 65 -- 4. New procedures, new problems, 1923 to 1929, 137 -- 5. Why did monetary policy fail in the thirties?, 271 -- 6. In the backseat, 1933 to 1941, 415 -- 7. Under treasury control, 1942 to 1951, 579 -- 8. Conclusion: the First Thirty-seven Years, 725 -- References, 747 -- Data sources, 761 -- Index, 765. Alan Greenspan, ix --