Georgia / prepared under the direction of John Odling-Smee by an IMF staff team comprising Donald Donovan, Mario de Zamaróczy, Pierre-Richard Agénor, Jeanini Braithwaite, James Daniel, Bruno de Schaetzen, David Hoelscher, and Pierre de Raet. - Washington, D. C. : International Monetary Fund, [1993] - vii, 91 páginas : ilustradas ; 27 cm. - FMI. economic reviews, 9 1020-0576 ; . - IMF economic reviews. .

Preface, vii -- I. Background, 1 -- II. Economic activity and price and labor market developments, 5 -- III. Fiscal developments, 10 -- IV. Financial developments, 15 -- V. External sector, 21 -- Notes, 27 -- Charts, 31 -- Tables, 41 -- Annexes, 75.



Odling-Smee, John C.

Condiciones económicas

Georgia (República)

HG 1 / .A1F6 199309