The United States dollar 1940 - 1980 : an advance obituary /
Revised and enlarged by Franz Pick.
- Segunda edición.
- New York, N.Y. : Pick Publishing Corporation, 1981.
- 106 páginas : ilustraciones a blanco y negro ; 28 cm.
1. Foreword to the second edition, 9 -- 2. Basic figures, 15 -- 3. Machinery to expropriate, 25 -- 4. Doubtful computations of growth, 33 -- 5. "Black" economy, 37 -- 6. Forces behind debasement, 41 -- 7. Inflation and balance sheets, 59 -- 8. Debasement of gold, 69 -- 9. Currency reform, 81 -- 10. Postmortem, 91 -- 11. Graphics & exhibits, 101.