Mikesell, Raymond French.

Foreing exchange in the postwar world / Raymond F. Mikesell. - New York, N.Y. : Twentieth Century Fund, 1954. - 658 páginas : ilustraciones a blanco y negro ; 23 cm.

Part 1. The emerging pattern of postwar payments practices, 3 --
1. The development of postwar payments systems, 3 --
2. The early postwar agreements, 22 --
3. The emerging pattern of trade and payments, 34 --
Part II: The fundamental payments mechanisms, 59 --
4. Exchange control systems, 59 --
5. Postwar trade and payments agreements, 81 --
6. The European payments union, 100 --
7. Postwar exchange rate policies, 136 --
8. Multiple exchange rates and controlled "free" rates, 165 --
9. Unofficial transactions, 190 --
Part Ill: The countries and monetary areas, 219 --
10. Exchange practices and policies of the United Kingdom, 219 --
11. Agreements of the United Kingdom, 245 --
12. Foreign exchange practices and policies in western Europe, 265 --
13. Exchange controls in Latin America, 305 --
14. Exchange arrangements in the far east, 335 --
15. Trade and exchange practices of eastern Europe, 367 --
16. The middle east, Africa and Oceania, 380 --
17. The United States and tile world's payments mechanism, 402 --
Part IV: International currency problems, 423 --
18. The problem of balance of payments equilibrium, 423 --
18. The problem of balance of payments equilibrium, 423 --
19. Foreign exchange problems of underdeveloped areas, 441 --
20. Developing a code of foreign exchange practices, 457 --
21. The sterling area, the EPU and currency convertibility, 479 --
22. The roles of the international monetary fund and the GATT, 504 --
22. The roles of the international monetary fund and the GATT, 504 --
23. The payments system and free world defense, 523 --
Addendum, 543 --
Index, 651.

Tipo de cambio.

HG 3811 .M5 1954