Hicks, Alan.

Foreing exchange options : an international guide to options trading and practice / Alan Hicks. - Cambridge, Inglaterra : Woodhead Publishing, 1993. - ix,370 páginas : ilustraciones a blanco y negro ; 25 cm.

Introduction, 1 --
1. The basics, 3 --
2. The marketplace, 6 --
3. Option characteristics, 14 --
4. Put-call parity, 20 --
5. Option combinations, 23 --
6. Option pricing, 38 --
7. Option trading risks, 46 --
8. Hedging and trading a portfolio of options, 53 --
9. OTC market practice, 69 --
10. Management control of an active portfolio, 81 --
11. Regulatory controls, 93 --
12. International currency options market (ICOM) terms and conditions, 100 --
13. counterparty credit risk (OTC), 110 --
14. Accounting for currency options, 119 --
15. Option derivatives and the future, 129 --
Appendix, 149 --
Index, 368.


Tipo de cambio.

HG 3851 .H53 1993