Risks in international bank lending : first report of the International Banking Study Group of the Group of Thirty / Gruop of Thirty. - New York, N.Y. : Group of Thirty, 1982. - 76 páginas : ilustraciones a blanco y negro ; 23 cm. - Groop of Thirty. Reports .

Introduction, 1 --
1. Country risk, 5 --
2. Rescheduling, 11 --
3. International interbank market, 16 --
4. Maturity transformation, 21 --
5. Distressed banks, 23 --
6. Competition, profitability and capital, 27 --
7. Further suggestions for reducing risks in banking, 30 --
Appendices, 36.

Préstamos bancarios.
Riesgo bancario.

HG 3810 .G76R4 .R5 1982