Franken, Robert E.

Human motivation / Robert E. Franken ; sponsoring editor: Jim Brace-Thompson ; marketing team: Lauren Harp, Christine Davis ; editorial assistants: Terry Thomas, Drew Holzapfel ; production editor: Keith Faivre ; manuscript editor: Bernard Gilbert ; permissions editor: mary Kay Hancharick ; interior and cover design: Roy Neuhaus ; cover photo: Thomas Ulrich, Adventure Photo & Film ; illustration: Jennifer Mackres, Laurie Albrecht ; photo editor: Kathleen Olson ; typesetting: TBH, Typecast ; cover printing: Phoenix Color Corporation ; printing and binding: R. R. Donelley & Sons-Crawfordsville. - Fourth edition. - Pacific Grove, CA : Brooks/Cole Publishing Company, 1998. - xv, 464 páginas. : ilustraciones en blanco y negro. ; 24 cm.

Bibliografía: páginas 416-449. Índice de autor: página 450-458. Índice : páginas 459-463.

Part One. Issues and Organizing Principles in Motivation -- Chapter One. What Causes Action: Themes in the Study of Motivation, 1 -- Chapter Two. Components of Motivation, 24 -- Part Two. Analyzing Some Basic Motivational Systems -- Chapter Three. Hunger and Eating, 55 -- Chapter Four. Sexual Behavior, Love, and Sexual Orientation, 82 -- Chapter Five. Arousal, Attention, and Peak Performance, 112 -- Chapter Six. Wakefulness, Alertness, Sleep, and Dreams, 144 -- Chapter Seven. Drug Use and Drug Addiction, 174 -- Chapter Eight. Aggression, Coercive Action, and Anger, 208 -- Part Three. Emotions and Motivation -- Chapter Nine. Emotions, Stress, and Health, 239 -- Chapter Ten. Goal-Incongruent (Negative) Emotions: Fear and Anxiety, Pessimism and Depression, Guilt and Shame, 273 -- Chapter Eleven. Goal-Congruent (Positive) Emotions: Happiness, Hope and Optimism, Attachment and Belongingness, 305 -- Part Four. Growth Motivation and Self-Regulation -- Chapter Twelve. Curiosity, Exploratory Behavior, Sensation Seeking, and Creativity, 335 -- Chapter Thirteen. Predictability and Control, Achievement and Mastery, and Self-Esteem, 365 -- Chapter Fourteen. Self-Regulation of Motivation, 391.



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