Reducing unemployment : current issues and policy options. - Jackson Hole, Wyoming : Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, 1994. - xxxiv, 376 páginas : ilustraciones, gráficas, tablas a blanco y negro ; 24 cm.

A symposium sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.

Foreword, vii -- The contributors, ix -- Symposium Summary, xvii -- The Moderators / OPENING REMARKS / THE EXTENT OF HIGH UNEMPLOYMENT IN OECD COUNTRIES / PAST AND PROSPECTIVE CAUSES OF HIGH UNEMPLOYMENT / THE ROLE OF DEMAND MANAGEMENT POLICIES IN REDUCING UNEMPLOYMENT / THE ROLE OF MONETARY POLICY: WHERE DOES UNEMPLOYMENT FIT IN? / REDUCING SUPPLY-SIDE DISINCENTIVES TO JOB CREATION / ACTIVE LABOR MARKET POLICIES TO EXPAND EMPLOYMENT AND OPPORTUNITY / OVERVIEW PANELISTS / Closing Remarks / The Participants, 369 -- The Symposium Series, 375. Nigel Lawson. hornier UK Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Shultz. Former U.S. Secretary of State -- Alan Greenspan, Chairman. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 1 -- John P. Martín. Deputy Director. Directorate for Ed neat ion. Employment. Labor, and Social Affairs. OECD ; Commentary: Dennis J. Snower Professor. Birkheek College. University of London, 5 -- Paul Krugman. Professor. Stanford University ; Commentary: Edmund S. Phelps. Professor, Coliinihia University ; Commentary: Christopher A. Pissarides, Professor, London School of Economics, 49 -- Charles R. Bean, Professor, London School of Economics ; Commentary: Stanley Fischer, Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology ; Commentary: Takatoshi Ito, Senior Adviser, Research Department, International Monetary Fund ; Commentary: Allan H. Meltzer Professor, Carnegie-Mellon University, 99 -- Donald T. Brash, Governor. Reserve Bank of New Zealand ; Commentary: Nigel Lawson, 169 -- Dalet T. Mortensen, professor, northwestern university ; Commentary: Martín Feldstein, president, national bureau of economic research ; Commentary: Assar Lindbeck, professor, institute for international economic studies, Stockholm University, 189 -- Lawrence F. Katz, Professor, Harvard University ; Commentary: James J. Heckman, Professor, University of Chicago ; Commentary: John W. Morley Head of the Employment and Labor Market Policy Unit, Commission of the European Communities, 239 -- Frans Andriessen, Former Vice President, Commission of the European Communities ; Alan S. Blinder, Vice Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Resen'e System ; Michel Hansenne, Director-General International Labor Office ; Hans Tietmeyer, President Deutsche Bundesbank, 323 -- George Shultz, 365 --

Política de empleo.

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